Share photos via e-mail

Share photos via e-mail Taken a great photo that you want to share with family and friends? Well sending it to them via email is easier than you might think. Here’s how: Start by clicking the Start button in the bottom left of the screen. In Windows XP click My Pictures, in Windows Vista click […]

Get Your Photos Onto Your Computer

Get Your Photos Onto Your Computer Once you’ve taken photos on your camera, your next challenge is to get them onto your computer where you can look at them and print them. Luckily you probably already have everything you need to get your photos onto your computer. Here’s how to do it: With clean hands, […]

Making Photo Prints Online

These days printed photos are a rare luxury and anyone who receives them will surely appreciate them. While sending photos by email is how most people share photos, you can wow your friends and family with real prints and you can arrange it all from the convenience of your own living room using your computer. […]