Optimizing Time Spent on Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office users spend an average of 3 hours per day using these programs – is that time being used effectively? UpSkill provides the tools you need to optimize this time through online and drip-feed training for continuous improvement and development.

Easy-to-Follow Video-Simulation Lessons
UpSkillGuide’s Super Package Online Training is the ultimate way to upgrade your team’s skills of all levels with the latest and greatest programs you need in an office, not only Microsoft Office covering most key programs but many key Google programs and other modules as well. Designed to enhance efficiency in your organization, UpSkillGuide’s Super Package training helps upgrade your team’s productivity when you upgrade their software.
Using easy-to-follow video-simulation lessons that you can take on your own computer, in your own time, you will learn the basics of Microsoft Office, Google programs and much more, right through to more advanced topics, such as Pivot Tables, and lookup formulas. Our complete package includes training for Excel, Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, OneDrive, OneNote, Access and Windows, including the most recent versions of Microsoft Office and Windows.
All UpSkill Guide courses come with 9 months access time including a portal dashboard providing excellent visual progress measures to drive accountability and completion rates. All trainees receive a PDF course book they can keep to refer to once the course is complete.

Keep Your Team Sharp
Our business subscription compliments the online training courses by providing fresh tips and ideas on a regular basis. The weekly UpSkillTip is a single tip you can quickly read, watch, or print and pin up in the canteen, aimed at helping you become more productive with Microsoft Office. Our helpdesk is quick to come to your rescue when you have a Microsoft Office question, providing you reliable answers and saving you time researching your own solution. Finally, our monthly UpSkillWork newsletter provides more in-depth information on how to use Microsoft Office in your business.
This subscription grants access to any amount of people in your business who will receive the drip-fed tips directly and have direct access to the helpdesk. Contact us for options to increase the number of staff included in your subscription.
When you subscribe, you gain access to all previous issues of the UpSkillWork newsletter, most of which are available as searchable online articles on this website, available only to subscribers.

Your Guide to Home Computing
This 8 page, full colour, newsletter is produced with the home computer user in mind. Regardless of whether you use a computer at work or not, this publication provides reliable, easy to follow tips and ideas to help you use your computer in the home setting to your advantage.
This publication includes a wide range of tips, including keeping your information and personal details safe, online tools, photo editing, basic settings and Microsoft Office.
Each article is further enhanced by a video which you can watch to see the step by step instructions demonstrated for you.
When you subscribe, you gain access to all previous issues of the UpSkillHome newsletter, most of which are available as searchable online articles on this website, available only to subscribers.