We all need a little help to achieve our goals whether it be losing a few pounds, eating better or saving money for a family vacation. While it helps to write down your goals there are other things that you can do to help yourself achieve these goals.
For reinforcing your commitment to a goal a site like Stickk.com can help. There you can confirm your goal, pledge to make it happen and even enlist others to help you track your progress and we’ll show you how.

Launch Internet Explorer and visit www.stickk.com. Click the dropdown list next to I Commit to and select a goal from those listed. If desired you can also create your own custom goal. Click the desired option and click Go. Next, click Register and complete the online registration including uploading a picture and completing your profile should you wish to do so. If not, click Continue to move on past this screen.

Now you’re ready to commit to a goal. Click Make a Commitment and choose the goal to achieve. There are five preset goals and an optional custom goal that covers any situation not covered elsewhere. You can also type a goal in the box to create it. Go ahead and create your goal and then select whether this is an ongoing goal or a one shot goal. Add some text describing the goal, if desired. Select when the goal starts and the length of the commitment. Select one or more categories and click Next Step.

At Stickk.com you are encouraged to stake money towards meeting your goal as you are more likely to achieve a goal if you have a financial stake in succeeding at it. If you choose to stake money then you can choose who gets the money if you don’t meet your goals. We recommend that you choose the No Money at Stake option to use this tool as a tracker only. Click the Next Step button.

If desired you can nominate a referee who will determine whether you have met your goal – if not it will be on your honor. Choose an option and click Next Step and then, if you want to include supporters to help you meet your goal, type their email addresses in the box. Click to send the email or click to Skip this step. Periodically as you work towards your goal, return to Stickk.com to update the progress that you are making. The commitment journal is where you can post notes to record and track your progress.