The internet is full of handy resources for school projects. From printable graph papers to pictures that can be used for school projects and even sites that provide useful research, we have rounded up a range of sites for you to use as homework resources.

MathSphere (www.mathsphere.co.uk/resources/MathSphereFreeGraphPaper.htm) is a great site for math resources including printable graph and lined paper. You’ll find plenty of papers here for handwriting practice as well as multiplication tables, charts and even paper for 3D drawing.

At www.topmarks.co.uk you will find a large range educational resources including a great search engine for researching information. Type a search topic in the box or browse by subject and age group. This is a well curated site with plenty of great resources already located for you.

For primary children Primary Homework Help (www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk) is full of resources curated for primary students. The site hosts its own content as well as linking to other relevant sites and there is an emphasis on easy to read information and helpful facts.

At Pics4Learning (www.pics4learning.com) you’ll find a kid safe search engine and free copyright friendly images for school age children. Type a search word to find relevant images then click an image to view it at a larger size and, if desired, click to download it.

Rather than start a project off from scratch, use a template sourced from Microsoft online to get a head Start. Start in PowerPoint. Word or Excel, click File > New and browse the templates available for that application. Click to download the template of your choice to use in that application.

At www.datesandevents.org you’ll find history and timelines for students of all ages. So, for example, you can click to see a timeline of World War I including key events that happened during that time. There are timelines for many historical events, the lives of people and places.