If you are like most users you use your mouse a lot as you are browsing the web in Internet Explorer. However, there are a lot of secret and hidden keystrokes that you can use instead of the mouse and which save you switching continually between the keyboard and the mouse.
These keystrokes can help you move around the web faster and put you more in control of your browsing experience. We’ve rounded up some of the best keystrokes that work with Internet Explorer to save you time and effort – use these and you’ll be an instant power user!
To print the current page press Ctrl + P. This opens the print dialog and saves a trip to the menus. It is also a keystroke that works in lots of other programs too!
To make your browser switch to full screen view (with no browser features visible), press the F11 function key. This is a toggle key, so press the F11 key again to return to your previous browsing window.
To move the cursor to the address bar so you can type a website address press Alt + D and start typing. We like this keystroke as it saves reaching for the mouse to click in the Address box and then returning to the keyboard to type the address.
To search the web press Ctrl + E and the cursor will be positioned in your browser’s search box. In some versions of Internet Explorer this is, in fact, the address box with a ? appearing in it. Go ahead and type the text to search for and press Enter.
To stop a web page from loading or to stop an animated image from playing, press the Escape key. We use this key a lot as it stops most annoying animations in their tracks!
To move between tabs in Internet Explorer press Ctrl + the number of the tab (count from left to right and start at 1). So press Ctrl + 1 to focus on the first tab, Ctrl + 2 to focus on the second and so on. Press Ctrl + Tab to move from one tab to the next or Ctrl + Shift + Tab to move in the reverse direction.