If you have a set of websites you often refer to, in this article we show you how to save that group of websites so you can quickly open them when needed rather than opening each one, one at a time.
If you have an established routine where you check the news, the weather and maybe exchange rates, this may require opening a couple of different websites. Or you may have several websites you go to for cooking inspiration, or looking up flights, if you ever find yourself opening the same group of websites at the same time, this article will certainly save you time.
First of all, this tip doesn’t work in the new Edge browser, so select your preferred browser and open the first website you would like to save, then press the CTRL and T keys together to open a new tab and open the next website you would like to save. Repeat this process for as many websites as you would to add to this group.
In FireFox and Chrome, right click one of the tabs and select “Bookmark All Tabs”. In Internet Explorer, press the ALT key to make the menu bar visible, select the Favourites menu item and select “Add current tabs to favourites”. For all browsers, you will then be asked to type a name for a new favourites folder to save this group to.
Enter a name for this group, and click the “Add Bookmarks” or “Save” button. In Firefox, press the CTRL, Shift and B keys together to open the Favourites manager. On the left, click the “Bookmarks Menu” option and your folder should appear in that list. Click on it and drag it into the “Bookmarks Toolbar” section.
In Chrome, press the CTRL, Shift and O keys together to open the Bookmarks manager. On the left, your new folder will be under the “Other bookmarks” list. Click on it and drag it into the “Bookmarks Toolbar” section. In Internet Explorer, press the ALT and select the Favourites menu item and select “Organize Favourites” and drag your folder into the “Favourites Bar”.
Now make sure the Favourites bar is visible. In Internet Explorer and Firefox, press the ALT key and select the View menu from the bar that appears at the top of the browser. Select the Toolbars option and make sure the Bookmarks or Favourites bar is ticked. In Chrome, press the CTRL, Shift and B keys together to display the Bookmarks bar.
You should now see the folder you created displayed in a bar just above where the website displays, and when you click this folder, you should see the headings of the websites you have open. Next time you want to open all these websites together, simply right click this folder and select “Open all Bookmarks” for Chrome, or “Open all in tabs” for Firefox or “Open in tab group” for Internet Explorer.