Have you ever encountered problems when sending a large file via email, such as one containing lots of images? It’s a problem that a lot of people encounter. The reason is that e-mail delivery is limited to smaller file sizes so it is not designed for sending large files such as videos, large photos and documents containing lots of pictures.
When you need to send large files it’s best to use a professional file transfer tool. One that we particularly like is Hightail which you can find at Hightail.com. Here’s how to use Hightail to send file and even store files online:
Visit Hightail.com and click the Sign Up button. Type your e-mail address, your name and enter a password of your own to sign up. Once you’re set up you’re ready to start sending files.
To send a file click Send at the top of the screen. Type the e-mail address of the person that you are sending the file to. You can also type a subject and a message. Click Upload from Desktop, select the file to send and click Open. If you want to save the file to your saved folder you can do so by clicking the checkbox.
There are other options you can select such as verifying the identity of the recipient and getting a return receipt. When you’ve made your selections click the Send It button. The file will be uploaded from your computer and you will see the progress of the upload. Do not close the page until the upload is complete. The uploaded file will then be sent to the recipient and they will get a message indicating that they have received a file with a link to download it.
At any time you can go to your Hightail folders and you will see the files that you have saved stored online. Hightail is useful for sharing files by sending them to a recipient in a way that lets the recipient decide when and where they download those files. Another handy application that is used by many people and businesses for sharing files is Dropbox which you can find at Dropbox.com. Dropbox is a fully featured file storage and sharing application. It will take longer to become familiar with using Dropbox but it offers a lot of extra features including saving different versions of a file, sharing online folders and you can configure it so you upload files using a special Dropbox folder on your computer. If you need robust file sharing then Dropbox is a good choice and if you only need to share files occasionally then Hightail or We Transfer.