Are you having trouble getting photos from your camera to your computer? Do you often lose photos on your computer? If so, we can help.
It isn’t always easy to get photos off your camera and onto your computer. And it isn’t always easy to find them later on when you want to view them. We’ve prepared this guide to help you through this process so you will always be able to find your photos.
Before you begin, carefully remove the camera card from your camera and place it in the correct slot on your computer. It should go in easily and there should be no need to force it.
When the AutoPlay dialog opens, click the Import Pictures and Video using Windows option. When you do this the Import Pictures and Videos dialog opens. The first time you see this, click the Import Settings option so you can configure the tool’s settings.
The Import Settings dialog will open and, from the Import Images to dropdown list select My Pictures. From the Folder Name dropdown list select Tag. If you don’t want to rename your photo files choose Original File Name from the File name list. If you want to rename your files, select Tag from the File name list.
Deselect Always erase from device after importing. Select all the other options; Prompt for a tag on import, Rotate pictures on import and Open Windows Explorer after import.
Deselect Always erase from device after importing. Select all the other options; Prompt for a tag on import, Rotate pictures on import and Open Windows Explorer after import.
Click Ok to return to the import dialog, click Ok when prompted to restart this process and wait as the Import Pictures and Videos dialog updates.
When prompted to do so type a tag for the pictures. The tag will become the folder name for the images inside My Pictures and, if you asked for the photos to be renamed it will be the name used too.
Click Import to proceed with copying the photos to your computer. Do not select the Erase after importing option in the dialog. Even though this may look like a good option it is best to make sure your photos have downloaded successfully before you erase them from the camera card.
Click Import to proceed with copying the photos to your computer. Do not select the Erase after importing option in the dialog. Even though this may look like a good option it is best to make sure your photos have downloaded successfully before you erase them from the camera card.
When the import process is complete, Windows Explorer will open to show you the photos that have been copied onto your computer.
In future you can find your photos easily as they will be stored in your My Pictures folder in a folder that has the same name as the tag you typed. So, to find your photos, click the Start button and click Pictures to open your My Pictures folder. Double click on the folder with the name that you typed for the tag to open it and to see your photos. ExtraTip: If AutoPlay does not open when you place a camera card into your computer, click the Start button, click Computer and then locate the removable disk that represents your camera card. Right click it and choose Open AutoPlay to start the photo import process.