Using the spell check in Outlook

f spelling is not your forte, Outlook has a setting which checks for spelling errors in every email sent. If any errors are found in the email, a window appears when you click the send button with suggested corrections.

In Issue 5 we provided an article on how to teach the spell checker to recognize new words in Microsoft Word. Any changes to the dictionary settings you do in Word or Outlook will happen for both programs – so any new words you add in Outlook, will be available for the spell checker to use in Word documents as well.

Open Outlook, click the File tab and select Options. Next select the Mail menu in the Outlook options. There is a tick box in the spelling group called “Always check spelling before sending”. Tick that option and click the OK button to save the settings.

Now type an email with some spelling mistakes to test this setting is working correctly. When you click the send button, the spelling window should open up showing you the spelling mistakes you have made. Once you have corrected them all, the spelling window will close, and the email will be sent.

As you type an email, you may notice that Outlook automatically corrects many spelling mistakes for you. This is actually controlled by AutoCorrect. Refer to our September 2015 issue for a full article on this feature. To access AutoCorrect settings, click File, select Options, select the Mail menu, click the “Spelling and Autocorrect” button and finally click the “AutoCorrect Options” button.

f you would wish to change the language Outlook uses to check your spelling, for example, change it from UK English to US English, open a new email and click the Review Tab. Click the “Language” dropdown list and select “Set Proofing Language”. Here you can choose from the available languages.